The pen is mightier than the sword.
By: Zafar Hashim Azmi
Approximately four and a half years ago from today, when I was a student of Diploma in English language and literature at Ibrahim Bawani Industrial Training Institute, located in Vadodara, Gujarat, at that time I had browsed through an interesting article entitled " The Pen is mightier than the sword." Today, when I opened Nadia Al-Fudhala WhatsApp group (a group of people who have completed their Islamic Education from any Islamic institute), I got an opportunity to glance through a brief note, written By Muhammad Salim Al-Qasmi, an Islamic scholar and intellectual leader of this group, which encouraged me to jot down an article. Then the above mentioned article came to my mind and I tried my level best to scribble that.
The power of pen
At the beginning, I have mentioned a famous maxim in English "the pen is mightier than the sword", referring to the importance of the pen, its status and its ability. It is a famous adage speaking about the power of writing. A pen can achieve a lot more than a sword does. It means that the power of writing is eternal while the power of the sword is short-lived. Through this famous adage, it is clear to compare the power of pen and sword to one another.
The pen looks like a small ordinary object. It is not very costly and is not impressively built. Yet, it comprises of great power and strength.
It is hidden from no one that the writing has been always invaluable, precious and priceless. Those who write, they acquire great fame and name. They are considered acceptable and responsible persons. They get tremendous achievements. Because their writings leave a profound and sound impacts on the society.
Today, it's the era of social media, now writing has been much more easy. When it is used to spread goodness and promote peace, it will be useful for all. There is no doubt that we have a lot of benefits for Social Media.
Today, in modern age, you can hardly find a person who does not have a smartphone, everyone's pocket is filled with an smartphone and cell phone. The problem is its advantages and disadvantages, so it depends on its use.
Hence, wherever we are, at home or in the office, in the market or in the garden, in the field or on the street, coming and going, eating and drinking, sleeping and awaking, playing and jumping, rising and sitting, we can record everything in our mobile easily just with the help of our mobile keyboard.
We ask Allah Almighty to grant us strength in our arms and to help us in writing and speaking truth. Amen!
Wednesday, November 11, 2020