The significance of Rabi-ul-Awwal
Zafar Hashim Azmi
The month of Rabi al Awwal is upon us. Rabi-ul-Awwal is the third month of Islamic Calendar occurring after Muharram and Safar. It carries immense significance and importance. As Muslims believe that our Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in this month. Your beautiful birthday is a blessing for Ummah. This month is considered to be significant because the event of Prophet Muhammad's birth took place during this month. Therefore, it holds special significance over another month. it is touchstone and evidence of light upon light.
Our responsibility towards Rabi-ul-Awwal
Rabiul Awwal requires us to beautify this month with worshiping Allah Almighty abundantly and doing good deeds in the love of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We should follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)in every walk of life. We must bend over backwards to revive His Sunnah. We should thank Allah Almighty for showering His countless blessings upon us. We should not do any act against Sunnah. We ought to avoid abominations, innovations, superstitions, nonsense and other unnecessarily activities.
May Allah Almighty protect us from the evil and grant us taufeeq to perform good deeds. May Allah save our Iman. Amen!
October 26, 2020
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