Thursday, June 18, 2020

المدارس الإسلامية منارات مضيئة

المدارس الإسلامية منارات مضيئة 

بقلم : ظفر هاشم الأعظمي 

المدارس الإسلامية هي منارة مضيئة لمعرفة الله عز وجل و معرفة الاسلام على الحقيقة والشريعة و رسالته الشريفة في كافة الميادين في هذا العالم البديع. 

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم 
(طلب العلم فريضة على كل مسلم (رواه ابن ماجة) 
أعظم وأرقى العلوم علوم القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية ثم تأتي مجالات العلم الأخرى في كافة نواحي الحياة لذلك فتعلم علوم القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية مهم جدا في حياتنا فهما كاملان ومكملان بعضهما وفيهما علوم وحلول لجميع نواحي الحياة المختلفة .

إنه إحسان عظيم للغاية من الله تعالى على الأمة الإسلامية أن فئة الراسخين  في العلم تتواجد في هذه الأمة منذ وقت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى يومنا هذا وهم من يعلموا و يرشدوا الناس الى معرفة الله تعالى و ان شاء الله مستمر هذا العمل المبارك الرائع إلى يوم القيامة. 
  إننا نجد الكثير من البارعين والماهرين في العلوم الشرعية في الوقت الحاضر في المدراس الإسلامية. 
 نحن بحاجة ملحة للدعم المادي لإعانة  نظام المدراس الإسلامية و القيام بالتعاون في الجانب التفكير  والجانب المالي من أجل توفير المتانة والقوة لهذا النظام.
 وكذلك علينا أن نضع في الاعتبار أنه يجب علينا تجميل وتحسين وتطوير المراكز الإسلامية والمؤسسات الدينية و جميع الوسائل مع كافة الظروف المختلفة. 
و نحن بحاجة إلى أداء دور حيوي وأفضل في جميع مجالات التعليم في الوقت الحالي من أجل العيش بسلام حتى لا ننجر الى التخلف بسبب سرعة الزمن.

إن أصحاب المدراس الإسلامية يسافرون إلى البلاد الكثيرة و في شهر رمضان المبارك بشكل خاص لجمع المال والزكاة و الصدقات، و بسبب فيروس( كورونا) المستجد لم يتمكنوا هذا الموسم من جمع الأموال  لذا نرجو من أهل الخير أن توجهوا عنايتكم إلى مد يد العون لسفراء المدراس إذا وصلوا إليكم بعد العودة إلى الحياة الطبيعية.

 وأصلح الله تعالى هذا العالم وجعله عالما جميلاً  مسالماً و نفع المخلوقات من فضله وعطائه فقد جعل الإنسان أشرف هذه المخلوقات و سخر له ما في السموات والارض و هدى الله الإنسان إلى هذا الانتفاع بهذه التسخيرات والقدرات على يد العلماء الأولياء الصالحين.  فللإنسان تنسب  الإنجازات و النجاحات في البر والبحر والفضاء انه لإحسان عظيم من الله تعالى على العالم الإنساني بمنحه العقل و التفكير  و أرشده إلى الطريق الحق و سبل الرشاد بنعمة الأنبياء و على رأسهم الحبيب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ونعمة القرآن الكريم والعلماء و الأولياء الصالحين.

الثلاثاء - 24 شوال 1441 هـ - 16 يونيو 2020 م

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ten keys to Academic Success

Ten keys to Academic Success

 Translated by Zafar Hashim Azmi

Everyone desires success and getting success in academic field is most sought after issue for a student. Every success has its key, philosophy and some essential steps to follow. That's why it has become a science and an engineering nowadays.
Success begins with thinking, motivates conscience and transformed into action and patients. At the end it is a journey.
Travel as the man is one who unlocks success with help of his trips.
We will try to express some of these steps.

Ten keys to Academic Success
1- Aspiration Is Evergreen Wealth
Ambition is non perishing treasure. One who is not aspirant, does not struggle, as aspiration never ends. You must be ambitious and look always forward.
It is Umar Bin Abdul Aziz the fifth caliph among 'khulafa-e-Rashideen' says expressing his ambitions:
I wished emirate and I achieved it then, I dreamt 'Caliphate' and I got it and now I am eager to enter the heaven, I hope I will get it.

2- Giving Equal Taking
Success is result of action, effort, sacrifice and patience. And one who is patient, hardworking and sincere, he reaps success and its fruits. So act, strive and make efforts to achieve success, ambition and goal. Because one who tries, succeeds and one who sows, reaps. It is rare that someone tried with patience and could not get success.

3- Change Your Mind About Yourself
Human being has a lot of energies and hidden powers, needs to remove dust of inaction and liziness. So you have more power than you think, more strength than you imagine, and more talent than you believe. Erase all negative words from your mind as "I can't do" "I am not talented" and you must repeat constantly "I deserve the best" "I am an inventor" "I am excellent" "I am capable".

4- Success Is What You Perform
Think of success, love success. Success is conscience. A successful person starts his journey loving success and thinking of it. Think, love and commence toward your aims. Remember that success is an individual's state of mind. You must believe in your success, by the way of Allah, in order to make it your destiny.

5- Successful guys will not succeed If they are sitting , playing and waiting for success.
They don't consider it 'good fortune' but they get it by hard work, sincerity, thinking and loving and exploiting opportunities and relying on what they perform themselves.

6- Failure is nothing but an event and few experiments
Don't be scared of failure, but take it as bridge toword success. Because anyone could not succeed if he did not acquire knowledge at school of success. It is Adison, Inventor of electricity, made 1800 failed attempts before reaching his unprecedented performance. He did not give up hope after unsuccessful efforts taught him scientific rules and, he got lots of knowledge through them that were not leading to electricity invention.
Remember : The only one who doesn't face failure is who doesn't intend success. If you don't fail you would not try.
Failure is nothing but opportunities and experiments. Don't get frightened and never late it cause you frustration.
It is just casual set back which creates success prospects for you.

7- Be faithful and hopeful :
Get strength with faith and hope. Be sure and hopeful. full fill up your spirits with faith and hope.
Believing in Allah is foundation for every kind of success, enlightens the way and it is  only real standard for true achievement. Your faith will make you stronger and it is beginning point towards success and fuel pushes you to gain performance.
Hope is a dream that casts success for us. So, the journey of success commences with hope and then it comes true with constant efforts.

8- Discover your skills and utilise them:
Everyone must explore and nurture his skills and hidden powers, like inventing, comprehending, searching, memorizing as well as a stable memory. It is practical to take care and advantage of these virtues instead of leaving them useless in our lives.

9- Learning is fun and road to success:
Study life is one of the most delicious phases of life but realises it only one who got through it then related to another activity. Learning taste is unmatched in life, especially if it is associated with worship. So a student worship Allah. How beautiful is knowledge with practice! How charming is knowledge flavour with practice! Studying and getting knowledge is fun, results in success and turns into everlasting asset when adorned with prosperity.

10- Successful people are always confident about their success:
Believing in success means entering into success battle as winner with high spirits, so one who doesn't possess self confidence, starts his struggle with drowning psychology. Glory is not like date you can eat easily. You will never get it until you taste its bitterness.

غزہ، تمہاری جد و جہد کے رہنما اصول!

  غزہ، تمہاری جد و جہد کے رہنما اصول!!! چار سو ستر دن سے زیادہ "غزہ" ہر اس شخص کے لیے "علم کا میدان اور آماجگاہ بنا ہوا تھا، ...