The Essence of Life and Its Sorrows
Qazi Athar Mubarakpuri RH
Translated by : Zafar Hashim Mubarakpuri
Human beings suffer from various kinds of illness in their lives. Generally, they get treatment easily because they know their disease. But some ailments are that even knowledgeable and understanding people don't know how to heal and get recovery.
They fall sick but they are unable to return to health after such kind of illness.
There is no disease in the world that couldn't be healed, but Allah SWT has created remedy for every disease.
(Narrated Abu Huraira Rz: The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said, "There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment.")
However, we point out here the disease that could not be cured due to hiding and lack of knowledge. But if we come to know about it, we will get well soon with a minor treatment.
Today, we are going to tell you a story about a dangerous and deadly disease. You see how the illness is so dangerous, but how soon it would be cured with a minor treatment.
Allama Qazi Abu Ali Mohsin Bin Ali Bin Mohammad (384) Hijri wrote a book entitled "Nishwar al-Muhadrah wa-Akhbar al-Mudhakrah". This book is written in arabic language and got published in Egypt.
The book reads that Abu Mohammad Jafar Bin Warqa Shaibani said in 349 Hijri that Ibn Jassas was my close friend. We both live together with love, peace and happiness.
Once, Ibn Jassas' condition had deteriorated which caused him to be homebound. He spent a tough time under the pressure of the current government.
The time when he was recovered from the difficulties and troubles, at that moment I met him personally at his home.
The story is that I was sailing my boat in the river of Dajla. The weather was very hot, it was a scorching sun. The king's castles were built in the bank of river. I lifted my eyes to a window of a building and saw that Ibn Jassas was wandering to and fro in front of the window with turmoil and unrest.
I tried to stop my ship seeing him worried and anxious, and entered his castle without permission. As he saw me, he got shy at once, came to me hurriedly and sat.
What is wrong with you?
I asked him about his health, he couldn't give me any response but ordered to bring a jug of water to wash his hands and face. For a while, he fainted, then woke up and stayed calm, and said,
is it not good to lose my mind? while I lost many things. Why wouldn't I be in this situation remembering all those things that left and why wouldn't I lose my mind due to regretting that?
After listening to his talks, I said that there is no need to be worried about wealth, it may come abundantly and go exuberantly.
Kindly understand that there is no alternative of life, mind and body in this world. Once, these things end, everything ends. You may have wealth and property and you may also lose, but once your body, your mind and your life end, it would never return back.
Hence, whatever you possess right now, you should thank Allah Almighty and seize the opportunity.
The sorrow and difficulty that you face, should be faced by those who are frightened of beseeching, poverty and need, and who are afraid of their lifestyles that they couldn't live with a luxury life. There is no concern about these things. There is none equal to you in the wealth and prosperity in Baghdad after even ruining and devastating all the things.
Ibn Jassas stated immediately by listening to his words. What do you say?
I said, please be all ears!!!!
Don't you feel that you and your family live with a luxury life after even destruction?
Is your house decoration and your furniture not the same as it was earlier?
"Is your land, its value reaches 50 thousand Dinar, not available in your Village?" I asked.
He replied, yes, of course I have.
Don't you possess a lot of properties in Bab-Al-taq?
Don't you own the properties of one lakh Dinar in Basra?
Likewise, I have counted Ibn Jassas' every single property and wealth, and he continued nodding his head yes. Until I emulated all the properties that come to Nine Lakh Dinar.
After all, I asked him Do you know someone these days who is richer than you and more powerful than you in Baghdad?
You are more valuable, more generous and more respectful person among people.
People ponder that you have a lot of money and properties.
After hearing all those things, Ibn Jassas prostrated to Allah SWT straightaway, praised Him and spoke weeping:
By God, thinking and sorrow have overcome me, until I have forgotten everything. These things are nothing to me in return for lost wealth.
If you don't meet me at present, my sadness definitely ruins my mind, but Allah SWT saved me from this disaster and catastrophe because of you.
It's true that no one gave me a favour and sympathy like you. For the last three days, I have not eaten anything.
I kindly request you please stay here so that we could take some food, have some coffee and exchange our views and conversations. (Nishwarul Muhazara)
This story has many results and lessons that we can learn from it a lot.
1- When any disaster occurs in our lives and the situations deteriorate, people fail to understand what to do and what not to do, while, in this situation, we should look for joy, delight and happiness for ourselves.
2- People evaluate their losses that happen due to their misconceptions and misapprehensions and spread it a lot, but they forget the mercy of Allah and His blessings.
They forget whatever foods and goods they have in their houses.
If any businessman loses some money in a year, they lose their temper and forget that they gained benefits of Lakhs in previous years.
3- Thought and sorrow annoy and upset mankind, even it causes them to appear radiculous and they begin to act in a stupid way. That's why, we should remember Allah SWT at a time of difficult situation and thank Him in every condition. Allah Almighty definitely makes a right way for us.
4- Occasionally, minor and light talks are also very precious and valuable. We don't get it even after spending a lot of money.
Whatever Abu Mohammad Jafar said to Ibn Jassas,
It was just a minor talk that Ibn Jassas himself already knew.
5- The way he met Ibn Jassas, the way he talked to him, the way he behaved him, that was important.
So,our ways and methods of talking, behaving and meeting should be good and well mannered. It leaves a great impression on the people's lives.
Monday - 19 August 2024
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